Struts 2 is an open-source web application framework developed by the Apache Software Foundation. It is designed to simplify the development of enterprise-level Java web applications. Struts 2 is part of the Apache Struts project and serves as an improvement over its predecessor, Struts 1.

  1. MVC Architecture:

    • Struts 2 follows the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern, promoting the separation of concerns in web application development.
  2. Action-Based Framework:

    • Struts 2 is action-based, where the application's behavior is defined by actions, and each action is associated with a Java class. Actions handle user input, process requests, and interact with the model.
  3. Interceptors:

    • Interceptors are a key feature of Struts 2, allowing developers to apply cross-cutting concerns such as logging, validation, and authentication. Interceptors are executed before and after the action is invoked, providing a way to modularize and reuse code.
  4. Tag Library:

    • Struts 2 provides a comprehensive set of custom JSP tags for creating the user interface in web applications. These tags simplify the integration of server-side logic into the presentation layer.
  5. Data Binding:

    • Struts 2 supports automatic data binding, allowing form data to be automatically mapped to Java objects. This feature simplifies the handling of user input and form submissions.
  6. Validation Framework:

    • Struts 2 includes a validation framework that facilitates the validation of user input on the server side. Developers can specify validation rules for form fields, and error messages can be generated and displayed to the user.
  7. Result Types:

    • Struts 2 uses result types to define the response format generated by an action. Common result types include HTML, JSON, XML, and others. This allows for flexibility in handling different types of responses.
  8. Configuration via XML and Annotations:

    • Configuration in Struts 2 can be achieved using XML files or annotations. Developers can specify actions, interceptors, and other configurations through XML or directly within Java code.
  9. Integration with Other Technologies:

    • Struts 2 can be easily integrated with other Java technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate, providing flexibility in building enterprise-level applications.
  10. RESTful Capabilities:

    • Struts 2 supports building RESTful web services, allowing developers to create web APIs using the same framework used for traditional web applications.
  11. Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n):

    • Struts 2 includes features for handling internationalization and localization, making it easy to develop applications that can be adapted for different languages and regions.

Struts 2 has been widely adopted in the Java web development community and is known for its flexibility, extensibility, and ease of use. It is suitable for building a variety of web applications, from small-scale projects to large enterprise-level applications.

Before diving into learning Struts 2, it's beneficial to have a foundational set of skills in Java web development and related technologies. Here are the skills you should consider acquiring or strengthening:

  1. Core Java:

    • Strong understanding of core Java concepts, including object-oriented programming, data types, control structures, and exception handling.
  2. Java EE (Enterprise Edition):

    • Familiarity with Java EE concepts and APIs, especially servlets and JavaServer Pages (JSP), as Struts 2 is built on top of these technologies.
  3. Web Development Basics:

    • Knowledge of fundamental web development concepts, including HTTP protocol, request/response cycle, cookies, and sessions.
  4. HTML, CSS, and JavaScript:

    • Proficiency in HTML for structuring web pages, CSS for styling, and basic JavaScript for client-side interactions. Struts 2 involves building user interfaces using JSP and HTML.
  5. MVC Architecture:

    • Understanding of the Model-View-Controller (MVC) architectural pattern and how it is applied in web development.
  6. Servlets and JSP:

    • Knowledge of servlets for handling server-side logic and JSP for building dynamic web pages. Struts 2 builds upon these technologies to implement its MVC framework.
  7. JavaBeans:

    • Understanding of JavaBeans and how they are used in Java web applications to encapsulate and manage data.
  8. Dependency Injection (Optional):

    • Familiarity with the concept of dependency injection and inversion of control (IoC), as Struts 2 utilizes the Spring framework for these purposes. Knowledge of Spring basics can be beneficial.
  9. Understanding of XML:

    • Basic knowledge of XML as Struts 2 configuration is often done using XML files. Understanding XML syntax and structure is important for configuring the framework.
  10. Database and JDBC:

    • Familiarity with databases and JDBC (Java Database Connectivity) for interacting with databases. Struts 2 applications often involve database access.
  11. Version Control Systems:

    • Proficiency in using version control systems like Git for managing and tracking changes in your codebase.
  12. Build Tools (Optional):

    • Knowledge of build tools like Apache Maven, as they are commonly used in Java web development projects, including those using Struts 2.
  13. HTTP Server and Deployment:

    • Understanding of how to deploy Java web applications on servlet containers like Apache Tomcat or other application servers. Knowledge of server configuration and deployment is essential.
  14. Testing:

    • Familiarity with testing frameworks such as JUnit for unit testing and tools like Selenium for automated testing of web applications.
  15. Java IDE (Integrated Development Environment):

    • Proficiency in using a Java IDE such as IntelliJ IDEA, Eclipse, or NetBeans for efficient development and debugging.
  16. Problem-Solving and Troubleshooting:

    • Strong problem-solving skills and the ability to troubleshoot issues in a web development environment.
  1. Struts 2 Configuration:

    • Learn how to configure Struts 2 applications using XML configuration files or annotations. Understand the structure of the configuration and how it maps to the MVC architecture.
  2. Action Handling:

    • Gain skills in defining and handling actions, which are the core components in Struts 2. Actions handle user requests, process data, and interact with the business logic.
  3. Interceptors:

    • Understand the concept of interceptors in Struts 2 and how they can be used to perform cross-cutting concerns like validation, logging, and authentication.
  4. Struts 2 Tags:

    • Learn to use Struts 2 custom tags in JSP pages for rendering dynamic content. Struts 2 provides a set of tags that simplify the integration of server-side logic into the presentation layer.
  5. Data Binding:

    • Acquire skills in data binding, where form data is automatically mapped to Java objects. Understand how to handle user input and form submissions.
  6. Validation Framework:

    • Learn to use the validation framework in Struts 2 to define and enforce validation rules on user input. Handle error messages and improve the robustness of your applications.
  7. Result Types:

    • Gain proficiency in defining result types to specify the format of the response generated by an action. Common result types include HTML, JSON, and XML.
  8. Integration with Other Technologies:

    • Learn how to integrate Struts 2 with other Java technologies and frameworks, such as Spring and Hibernate. Understand the benefits of such integrations in building enterprise-level applications.
  9. RESTful Web Services:

    • Acquire skills in building RESTful web services using Struts 2. Understand how to create web APIs and handle HTTP methods for RESTful communication.
  10. Internationalization (i18n) and Localization (l10n):

    • Learn to handle internationalization and localization in Struts 2, making your applications adaptable for different languages and regions.

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